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Wellness Coaching helps individuals cultivate healthier habits for long-term success in a way that creates more balance in their lives. Working with a Wellness Coach can provide the type of accountability you are looking for so you can connect with your body and mind more efficiently and live a more fulfilling lifestyle.  


This type of therapy often comes into play when you have tried making changes on your own, or with other Providers but you are not getting the desired results, and are ready to try something different.


My main focus is with helping people recover from trauma or injuries. Wellness Coaching with me integrates Hypnosis, Energy Work and Mindfulness tools to help you achieve your goals faster. 


Scroll down to learn more if you need help with organizing your thoughts, clearing your mind, or staying on track with your goals along your path to healing. 


Healing from injuries and trauma is complicated and it can be difficult to accomplish without specific direction. You may know which direction you want to go but things keep getting in your way. There are countless number of ways breaking through your problems can be blocked and it can be too easy to get stuck in fight, flight, or freeze mode before stability can be achieved.


Listed below are just some of the more common issues I work with. Click the button below to fill out a contact form and see if working with me may be a good fit.  

  • Chronic Pain Management

  • Grief Recovery

  • Eating Disorders

  • Habit Control

  • Negative Emotions

  • Health & Rejuvenation

  • Obsessive Thoughts

  • Sports Performance

  • Study Habits

  • Time Management

  • Immune System

  • Moodiness

  • Fears and Phobias

  • Perfectionism

  • Abandonment

  • Panic Attacks

  • Stress Management

  • Childhood Trauma

  • Performance Anxiety

  • Career Success Strategies

  • Presurgical

  • Post surgical

  • Mindfulness

  • Weight Loss

  • Anxiety/Depression

  • Social Phobias

  • Sleep Disorders

  • Creativity Blocks

  • Self-Esteem Issues

  • Helplessness

  • Motivation

  • ADHD


Hypnosis is a state of being, just like being asleep or being awake. Each of us naturally moves in and out of the state of hypnosis several times a day. While in this state, the subconscious mind is more susceptible to the environment around us for the good, or bad. There are many ways to go into the state of Hypnosis which is relaxing for the body and mind.


Hypnotherapy is the use of Hypnosis in a therapeutic setting to connect with your subconscious mind, communicate directly with yourself, and change old patterns that are no longer working for you. During your session, I will provide support and encouragement so you can create the improvements you are looking for in your life.


Hypnotherapy works directly with your Physiology and should not be treated as a substitute for Psychotherapy. Some issues may require a Psychological or Medical referral before we begin working with each other.  



Hypnosis techniques have been used dating back to many ancient societies. Over time, these techniques have been tested and refined. There are many studies out there that today which proving Hypnotherapy is an effective type of body-mind intervention that decreases stress, and eliminates panic attacks among many other benefits. Listed below are some of the different areas Hypnotherapy can improve your life.

  • Mental Clarity

  • Better Communication

  • Better Sleep habits

  • Improved Relationships

  • Sense of Direction

  • Reduced Pain

  • Increased Motivation

  • Hormone Balance

  • Emotional Stability

  • Aligned Digestion 

  • Greater Confidence

  • Healthy Boundaries

  • Increased Assertiveness

  • Mental Flexibility


How often you schedule depends on your goals and budget. My ultimate goal is to provide as much support for your new lifestyle changes as possible.  


Exploring issues and changing habits that have been around decades may require weekly sessions at first. I like to start with a round of regular sessions for 6-8 weeks or until you become comfortable with the the daily routines and no longer feel challenged by the work. After that, we can move to bi-weekly scheduling until that spacing between sessions becomes comfortable. Then we can move to monthly sessions and figure out a maintenance routine from there. then monthly after that for maintenance.      


Before your first session there will be intake forms to fill out. Depending on your situation you may be required to fill out Medical or Psychological referral forms prior to your first session and there will be financial agreement forms and other administrative forms to fill out for me to keep on file.   


   At the beginning of each session, we will discuss your issues and will develop your plan based on your goals. Depending on your level of motivation for change, some issues can be resolved in as little as one to three sessions. Other issues may take weeks, months, or years depending on how deeply rooted your issues are, and also how ready you are to move your life forward. 


Before, during, or after sessions you may cry, feel physical discomfort, nervousness, excitement, or nausea may occur. These are all normal parts of the healing process and do not mean anything is wrong with you, or the activity. Any and all feelings are considered normal parts of the healing process and these types of discomfort or emotions are all normal aspects of the letting go process that is directly related to the fight, flight, and freeze response.


You could also feel a deep sense of calm before, during, or after sessions. It all just really depends on where you are along your healing journey and how your personal physiology reacts to this work.


Keep in mind that you are in complete control of yourself at all times during sessions and I am only present to facilitate changes and provide mindfulness resources for you to practice in your daily living after sessions. It is important to allow yourself time to relax after sessions and it is not advised to run off to another activity to allow your body and mind space and time to integrate the changes just made.     

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